Certified & Experienced Officer Testing – Apply Now:
Pre-Certified Officer Candidates: We offer year round testing and hiring. All Certified Officers begin their testing process with the Physical Abilities Test (PAT). Candidates that pass the PAT will move forward to the Structured Panel Interviews. After successful completion of the Panel Interview, Candidates will move to the Background Interview. Certified Officers are encouraged to speak with the recruiter for more details.
Applications will be accepted at any time via The City of North Little Rock’s Human Resources website. Once you’ve submitted your application, please monitor your emails and text messages, as you will be receiving communication from NLR HR and from the NLRPD Recruiting Officer. Your background packet will be started on the day you submit your application.
Entry Level Officer Testing – Hire Dates are Usually in January and July:
Entry Level Officer Candidates: Testing Cycles will typically run from March through April and September through October each year. Entry Level Applicants will self-schedule their written test. After passing the written test, Candidates will move forward in the testing process and be required to complete the Physical Abilities Test (PAT). Candidates that pass the PAT will move forward to the Structured Panel Interviews. After successful completion of the Panel Interview, Candidates will move to the Background Interview. Entry Level Officer Candidates are encouraged to speak with the recruiter for more details.
Applications announcements will be posted on this website and through The City of North Little Rock’s Human Resources website. Once you’ve submitted your application, please monitor your emails and text messages, as you will be receiving communication from NLR HR and from the NLRPD Recruiting Officer. Your background packet will be started on the day you submit your application.